Please complete the form below to register the guarantee on your new appliance. This will save you time and effort in the future should you need to contact us.

The details submitted using this form will be sent to Alpha only.

If you are an installer and would like the details of this registration to be passed to Gas Safe, please use the Installer Login Area using the red ‘Installers’ link at the top of the page. This is a secure area and you will be required to login using a set ID and password. Please contact us if you need any assistance.

Once logged in, please use the Product Registration link on the page and complete all details including the name of the engineer and if applicable what appliance has been removed.

Customer Details

Product Details

Installation Details

Is the boiler installed with or as part of any of the following systems (tick as appropriate):




Installed heating control/thermostat details...

Has the boiler been installed with an Alpha indirect unvented cylinder?

Installer Details