You can expect to save quite a lot of money as a new high efficiency boiler can reduce your energy bills by up to an £315* a year.
If your boiler is 10-15 years old and coming to the end of its service life or, if it is not that old but it is underperforming, you will be much better off replacing it with a high efficiency model. The last thing you want is for your boiler to have to work harder than necessary to heat your home and water and push up your heating bills. And although it may seem like a big investment you will benefit from energy savings in the long term, not to mention substantially reducing your household’s carbon emissions.
Heating alone accounts for approximately 60% of what we spend in a year on energy bills so having an efficient boiler is top priority if you want to get the best out of your system, especially in today’s world of rising energy costs.
*Estimated figures based on installing a new A-rated condensing boiler with a programmer, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator controls (TRVs) in a gas heated home from an older boiler with a programmer and room thermostat. Savings will vary depending on the size and thermal performance of your home. Source – Energy Saving Trust: March 2019.
How do I get the best boiler deal?