During long, cold winters, nothing is more inconvenient than a heating and hot water system unexpectedly grinding to a halt due to the external condensate pipe freezing. Along with owners having to experience a very cold few days before the system is fully operational again, repairs can also be costly. Alpha Heating Innovation provides the ideal solution with its InTec Trace Heating Kit.
The easy to install accessory, which is compatible with Alpha’s InTec range of boilers, prevents the external condensate pipe from freezing when the outside temperature drops below 2°C. With minimal electrical consumption, the kit literally goes unnoticed once connected to an InTec boiler, and provides a readied solution to an age-old problem experienced by thousands during the winter period.
Consisting of a relay PCB, outside weather probe and a three-metre length of trace heating wire, the kit is simple to install; the wire is spiralled around the external condensate pipe and run back to the PCB that is fitted within the boiler. The connection of the outside weather probe then enables the weather compensation feature on the boiler. When this reaches anything below 2°C and the boiler is running, the trace heating kit is activated. The relay PCB then supplies a current to the trace heating wire causing it to heat up and prevent the condensate from freezing.
John Binney at Alpha Heating Innovation commented: “Our Trace Heating kit is a valuable add on to our InTec boiler range. Cost effective and completely hassle free, it offers customers real peace of mind. The service it provides will pay dividends once installed, and with some of the coldest winters on record over the last few years, it is time to make every preparation.”