Today is the start of Energy Saving Week, which aims to help and encourage people to save energy and reduce their carbon emissions.
Over £1 billion worth of energy is wasted in the UK every year by people leaving appliances on standby.
Remember to turn appliances off when not in use. This will minimise your energy consumption, saving you money, while helping the environment.
Below are some other ideas to help you take control of your home entertainment and electronics usage in the home.
The latest integrated digital televisions (IDTVs) have the capacity to receive digital signals without the need for a set top box, so they use one power supply instead of two. Unlike many set top boxes, IDTV’s can be switched off without losing their settings and so don’t have to be left on standby.
Set-top boxes
Between 2008 and 2012, every television in the UK will be switching to digital television and will need to be compatible with a digital signal to be able to receive broadcasts. If you are planning to replace your TV set, you can buy an IDTV; if not, you can purchase a set top box to receive a digital signal.
DAB radios
Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) radios convert traditional analogue signals into a digital format prior to transmission. Energy Saving Recommended DAB radios use around 75% less electricity annually than a standard radio.
Energy saving lightbulbs have always been a bright idea – for your pocket and the environment. They use up to 80 per cent less electricity than a standard bulb, but produce the same amount of light. By replacing all the remaining standard (GLS) bulbs in your home with energy saving light bulbs (CFL’s) you could save around £25 a year from your energy bills, and £390 over the lifetime of all the bulbs.
Turning down the heat
Turn your thermostat down. Reducing your room temperature by 1°C could cut your heating bills by up to 10 percent and typically saves around £50 per year. If you have a programmer, set your heating and hot water to come on only when required rather than all the time.
Washing machine
Washing clothes at 30 degrees instead of higher temperatures uses around 40% less electricity (saving you around £10 a year) Modern washing powders and detergents work just as effectively at lower temperatures.
Tumble Dryer
Switch off the tumble dryer in the summer and dry your clothes outdoors. You can save on average £15 a year on your electricity bill and 65kg of CO2 by drying clothes outside on a line instead. If everyone in the UK, with a tumble drier, dried outside in the summer instead of using their driers, it would collectively save around £180 million a year. The C02 saved is the equivalent to taking 240,000 cars off Britain’s roads.